All over the Europe the Higher Educational Institutions (HEI), with the faculties of Agriculture and Enology, study the wine sector with a scientific approach, training researchers, students and professionals. These are central figures in the whole production chain, with an impact to the new professionals for the:

  1. winemaking companies
  2. management of different viticulture phases for the high quality wine production
  3. maintenance of qualitative standards
  4. defence of autochthone vineyards.


The academic lessons in enology are based on theoretical teaching, that are supported by an intense laboratory activity where the “student” could learn, with a guidance, in the acquiring the multisensorial skills for the wine recognition (olfactive, gustative and visual). Then, as it is typical in each training processes, the declaratory learning is consequently supported by lessons and didactical materials with a linguistic approach (slides, articles, etc.), but for enology the procedural learning that refers to experience and laboratorial activities, is relevant. In enology and wine tasting it is central the ability of the “sensory recognition”. For this reason, there are methodologies and specific didactic tools that allow to acquire a basic level of sensorial recognition, with the support and guidance of expert in this field. Typical learning approaches are represented by dedicated laboratories for the sensory analysis or using publishing tools for the olfactory learning (a typical example is the tool developed by Jean Lenoir (


Different HEI developed online courses through the MOOCs for the wine field that address:

  1. the relevant impact in the local economies;
  2. the increasing need of professionals with scientific competences and specific knowledge;
  3. the increasing number of wine enthusiasts.

Some examples of these courses are the “Wine Tasting: Sensory Technique for Wine Analysis” on Coursera platform developed by UCDAVIS University of California; or the EU courses of the “Open Wine University” on the EMMA platform delivered by the University of Burgundy. All these examples are limited to a declarative approach because these are conceived as online courses and have not solutions for the procedural learning based on the experience. At the contrary, this learning represents the key on this sector.